Housekeeping demo instance updated to version 49

Version 49 of the “Housekeeping” application (including the latest PHLEX artifacts) has been deployed to the demo instance.

Have fun!

Released Housekeeping version 49

Version 49 (including the underlying PHLEX framework) corrects 18 (including security) bugs, migrates another portion of JavaScript code to ES6, makes the management of ratings strict CSP safe, and fine-tunes the GUI.

For details please refer to the README file.

Released Housekeeping version 48

Version 48 (including the underlying PHLEX framework) corrects 10 (including security) bugs, supports PHP 8.2, migrates portions of JavaScript code to ES6, supports national numbering schemes (separators and delimiters per language), and notably improves overall performance.

For details please refer to the README file.

Housekeeping demo instance updated to version 47

Version 47 of the “Housekeeping” application (including the latest PHLEX artifacts) has been deployed to the demo instance.

Have fun!

Released Housekeeping version 47

Version 47 fixes 16 (including security) bugs, hardens the Content Security Policy by introducing nonces, uses PHP 8.1 enumerations and named attributes to improve stability, enables unified use of variables across PHP and JavaScript, and fine-tunes the GUI.

For details please refer to the README file.